
エリザベス ペイトン:Still life 静|生 展覧会図録

¥3,580 税込


エリザベス ペイトンは、1990年代初頭より絵画や素描、版画を中心に制作している作家です。中でも肖像画で知られ、描写対象は彼女の親しい友人から歴史上の人物、現代のカルチャーアイコンにまで及びます。また、アーティストや小説家、ミュージシャンや役者なども常に対象となってきました。近年では、街の風景や静物、オペラからもインスピレーションを得て、肖像画と真摯に向き合いながらその概念を大きく広げています。
H 245 mm x W 180 mm

This is the exhibition catalogue of Elizabeth Peyton’s exhibition held at the Hara Museum of Contemporary Art from January 21 to May 7, 2017, which marks the first major survey of her work in Japan. Peyton works primarily in painting, drawing and printmaking. She is best known for her portraits, whose subjects include figures from her own life and beyond it – close friends, historical personae, or icons of contemporary culture. Her portraits have regularly featured artists, writers, musicians and actors. In recent years, she has also subsumed the genres of cityscape, still-life and opera into her range of reference and inspiration. In the process, she has embraced and expounded a more expansive and abstract definition of portraiture. The resulting exhibition bears witness to the various genres and subjects which have come to define Peyton’s practice, and features many of the pivotal works in her career. In addition to the 42 featured works personally selected by the artist from across her 25-year career, the catalogue includes 16 pieces that did not appear in the exhibition. 138 color pages.

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¥3,580 税込
