御殿山 原コレクション-三井寺日光院障屛画を中心として- 展覧会図録
¥2,750 税込
H 245 mm x W 255 mm
Exhibition Catalogue: Hara Collection—Including The Nikko'in Shoheiga in Mi'idera Temple
This is the catalogue of the exhibition held at the Nezu Museum from March 8 to April 20, 1997 and the Tokugawa Art Museum from May 24 to July 6, 1997.
The Hara Collection of traditional East Asian art was amassed by Rokuro Hara, a businessman active during the Meiji Restoration (1868-1912) who founded companies that set the standard for modern Japan, including banks and railroads. He was also an enthusiastic promoter of education and science and a collector of art objects. The collection includes a wide range of artworks from standing screens and partition paintings to crafts and sculptures from many periods of time. This 72-page volume contains illustrations, commentaries by Kaoru Kojima, Kazuo Nishi and Masatomo Kawai, a description of works, signatures and seals and an English-language list of works.
130 color pages, Japanese text.
H 245 mm x W 255 mm
¥2,750 税込